EcoStab is using an holistic approach following the theory of system analysis which means every project is considered within it's greater context and and subsequently designed.

It can be worthwhile to ask for certain advance inputs from the users of an infrastrucutre that may with limited effort minimise the actual intervention. Or with little additional imput positive effect can be obtained that are not part of the specification of the original project.

Examples are: The separation of sewerage flows not only into wastewater and rain water but following the quality and concentration of contaminations in the case of treatement plants. Or the construction of largescale spawning grounds when stabilizing riverbanks.

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Correct soil-bio-engineering conception can compensate errors in the preparation of a project. In the preparation of the envirennemental impact study for deplacing a small rivulet nobody realiced that it was a habitat for a rare spezies.  Less than 20 rivers containing Austropotamobius pallipes were known to science. Hundreds of the rare crayfish were found when relocating the fishes to the newly build bed. They found a perfect immediat habitat with positiv prospects for the future development in the deadwood fascines with a planting of black elder (on the left side of the above photo).


In the follow you find links to some of the major projects of EcoStab:

Water quality and protection


 Development cooperation